

  When the Earth shook

Target Learning Outcome

1. Learns natural calamities like Earthquakes, floods etc.

2. Understand the effects of earthquakes.

3. Awareness about what can be done without a warning about

4. Understand difficulties faced by people during floods,


5. Learns who helps people during natural calamity.

Q1. What to do if there is an earthquake?

during an Earthquake-Indoorss

1. A.Duck B.Cover C.Hold

2. Stay There! Do NOT Run Outside

3. Stay Calm & Remember the Phase, "Duck, Cover, and


1. Duck - And Look for Cover

2. Cover - Under a Sturdy Desk or Table

3. Hold Onto the Furniture Leg Until Shaking Stops

During an Earthquake-Indoorss

Face Away from Windows

◆ Stay Clear of Tall Objects that May Topple Over

Watch for Falling Objects Outdoors

◆ Get into the Open

Stay Clear of Buildings, Power Lines & Trees

◆ If Driving: Stop If Safe, But Stay Inside the car.

Avoid Stopping

Under Trees, Light Posts, Power Lines, or Signs

Stay Away from Bridges, Overpasses & Tunnels

Q2.Make a List of Natural Disasters
1. Volcanic eruption
2. Earthquake
3. Cyclone or Hurricane¹
4. Avalanche
5. Flood
6. Drought
7. A forest fire or Bushfire

Q3.Make a List of Man-Made Disasters.
 Structural Collapse
 Transportation Accidents
 Oil Spill
 War
 Terrorist Attacks
 Deforestation
 Fire Accidents
 Industrial Accidents 

Q4. What is an earthquake?

Ans. An earthquake is a violent shaking of the ground. Sometimes it

is so strong that the ground splits apart.

Q 5. What is Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado or Typhoon?

Ans. A Cyclone is a fierce storm with storm winds that spin around

it is in a giant circle. During a cyclone trees can be uprooted, and

buildings can be destroyed and cars can be overturned.

Q 6. What is Avalanche?

Ans. An Avalanche is a movement of snow, ice and rock down a

mountainside. Avalanches happen very suddenly and can move as

fast as a racing car up to 124mph.

Q 7. What is Drought?

Ans. A drought is the lack of rain for a long time.

Q 8. What is Forrest Fire or Bushfire?

Ans. Fires can burn out of control in areas of forest or bushland.

Fires are caused by lightning, sparks of electricity or careless

people. Wind may blow a bushfire to areas where people live.

Q 9. Who all helped at such a time? Make a list?

Ans. The list of the people who had provided help at that time is

as follows:

(i) The neighbours helped each other.

(ii) People from the cities.

(iii) The local leaders.

(iv) The political leaders.

(v) Various non-government organizations of that area.

(vi) Doctors and nurses of the hospitals of that place.

(vii) Few shopkeepers

Q 9. What kind of people would they need after the earthquake?

Ans. At times when people have lost their homes and their

belongings, they would need the following help:

(i) Tent/canvas to prepare their huts

(ii) Clothes

(iii) Food, water, milk

(iv) Medicines and first aid treatment

Q10. In the event of an earthquake, what steps should we follow?

When the ground starts shaking, remember these simple steps to stay safe:

  1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On:

    • Drop to the ground immediately.
    • Cover your head and neck with your arms, and seek shelter under a sturdy piece of furniture like a table or desk.
    • Hold On to the furniture until the shaking stops.
  2. Stay Away from Windows and Glass:

    • Move away from windows, glass furniture, and other objects that could shatter and cause injury during the shaking.
  3. Avoid Elevators and Stairs:

    • Elevators may malfunction or get stuck during an earthquake, and stairs could be damaged. Stay away from them during the shaking.
  4. Be Prepared for Aftershocks:

    • Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that can happen after a big one. Be prepared for them and follow the same safety steps.
  5. Stay Calm and Listen to the Instructions:

    • Don't panic. Stay calm and listen to instructions from adults or authorities. They will guide you to safety.